Now my ribs hurt

BLECH, I really, really hate being sick. Woke up coughing this morning to the point of hacking my lungs out. Ended up in the bathroom with the shower going to make steam so it would hurt less to cough. The coughing has gotten better tonight, but my ribs ache.

At least my temp is back towards normal.

Called in to work and went back to bed and slept til about noon. Throat is still a bit sore, but it is getting better (hto cocoa and brandy, definatley good for what ails ya hehehehehehe).

Trying to figure out A lot of YouTubers hang out there when they aren't doing videos. I think I almost have it figured out. Now if some of the people I know on YouTube would go online I can see if I am right.

Decided to do something different with my candied yams/sweet potatos this year. I'm going to make a swet potato/yam cassarole someone posted on one of my recipe lists. Uses pecans in the topping. So I need to sit down and make a shopping list for this weekend so i can get things laid in and start cooking. I plan on having everything done again by Tuesday so I have a day of rest before doing the turkey on Thursday.
