Tuesday update

I hate it when my brain derails halfway thru doing something. Had another presentation last night, thought it would be easy since it wasn't formal and no power point.


Had a serious Graves' brain derailment halfway thru and I had no clue what the heck I was talking about. Hopefully I can do better with the written version of the presentation. Oh well, I have until 11/13 to do the next one.

In other news, I really, really didn't want to wake up this morning. The problem with getting out of class at 8:30pm is by the time I get home and do dinner I'm not ready for bed at the usual time, so I end up staying up WAY past my bedtime.

Oh well.

Need to figure out dinner. Going to do something with chicken. Been a bit on a Thai kick lately, need to think of something a bit different. Sunday night I sliced some beef and sauteed some minced garlic and the beef in a bit of oil. Added some pad thai sauce and a bit of tom yum sauce. Let that simmer a bit and then added a can of coconut milk. Served it with some rice sticks. Tasted yummy, but hubby had a good point, not enough sauce. So I'll use two cans of coconut milk next time (note to self, buy more coconut milk while it is on sale at Winco).

Hmmmm, got some yogurt, maybe chicken with a yogurt sauce. A bit of paprika, a little chicken stock, throw in some uncooked rice and do a one pot meal. Still have a few hours to decide.

Here's the vid of the outfit I wore to the drag show on Saturday night. Not the best quality, but it's as good as it gets for on the fly. What isn't shown is the black stretch velvet jacket I added to it before heading out the door:

I'm still feeling it in the knees from dancing Sat nite. I guess this is a definate wake up call I really, really need to get back to my tai chi and the bellydancing to strengthen my joints.

Looks like we have rain headin' this away. Hopefully it will be nice this weekend since I didn't get a darn thing done this last weekend from being a slug.
