Puttering, puttering

The weather is heading for fall, I'm closing most of the windows at night and I may have to build a greenhouse around my tomatos. I had them covered with sheets last night, but I don't think that was enough. So I'll look at all the window panels I have and see what I can come up with. I plan on those things ripening and not freezing dad rat it!

Yesterday was definately a Monday, I forgot to uncover my tomatos and had to email hubby to do it. Then when I got to work I realized I'd fixed my coffee and proceeded to leave it on the counter. Hubby enjoyed it at least. I brought leftovers from Sunday night and while yummy, not enough. I'd diced up some boneless, skinless chicken breats I had brined and froze and then used a packet of fajita seasoning. For dinner I used corn torillas I steamed int he mocrowave and then topped with cheese, mozzarella for him, feta for me. For lunch I brought a couple flour torillas, feta, the chicken and a tomato.

No more visits with my mental health therapist, we've gone as far as we can go for the time being with my mental well being. I will call her again if I get stuck in a rut again, but we have come up with a 5 year plan to get me into a better place job wise and educational wise. I'll finish my 2nd degree and then see about grad school, either part time or full time (tho I think part time will be the way to go to avoid getting overwhelmed). In the meantime I need to survive the class I am taking. SOme of the reading is mind numbingly boring, whihc is a shame since the subjects are interesting. Hopefully things will get better once we get out of the history of the area and into more recent stuff. I love archaeology and I sholdn't be getting migraines from the readings :P

Lunch today is leftover pizza. Hubby picked it up before picking me up from class. So no cooking for me at all last night LOL. Worked for me. SO dinner tonight will probably be the hamburger helper stuff I was going to make last night, unless I come up with something else to use a pound of burger in.
