Had to cover my tomatos last night. Night before it got a wee bit chilly (in the low 40s) and it nipped a couple of the plants. Not badly, some shrivelled leaves and flowers, but the tomatos are fine and slowly turning red. I'll cover them again tonight and possibly Sat night. Starting Sunday we'll be back to warmer temps. If I have to, I'll build a frame around the whole thing and use the window panes I have to make a greenhouse until I get the harvest in. Fingers crossed I won't have to get that elaborate.

I do need to start getting cold frames figured out and get them built. I'm definatley going to try growing bok choi and some lettuce greens. I'll also try for spinach again. Not sure if I'd have time for brocolli. I need to sit down with the book I got and see what the author recommends.

Looking forward to a 3 day weekend, if I'd been smart I would have taken today off to for 4 days off. Oh well. We'd hoped to go camping, but decided we didn't feel like dealing with the crowds and it probably would be a bit too chilly at night for us to be comfortable. Besides, hubby still isn't up to snuff after the surgery and we don't want to push it. So plans are to putter around the house tomorrow, do a dump run, paint some more of the kitchen (finally), mow the weeds in the lawn and get a bunch of stuff listed on Freecycle.

Sunday I want to go fishing. It's been a while since we were up at Elk Creek reservoir, so I'd like to go there and maybe hit Spring Valley on the way home in the evening.

Monday is a lounge around the house day, get some more veggies and onions processed. Sometime this weekend I'll thaw a ham and get it cooked up. Probably tomorrow. I can pull it out tonight and start it in the fridge and then finish thawing it in cold water in the morning.

With the weather getting cooler I'm getting the urge again for baking bread. Still need to get a form for making hot dog buns so hubby can have homemade buns for his hot dogs.

I also need to see about re-arrainging the kitchen again, with all the stuff I am putting up in jars I'm running out of room (esp when I get the next batch of mead bottled). Depending I may be listing a few kitchen items on Freecycle just to make a bit of room. I need to figure out what to do with the big microwave, it takes a lot of room and while I use it less then the little one, when I need it, I need it. Have to see if I can fit it on the shelves by the freezer where it will be out of the way, but still accessable.
