Almost there (I gotta get more creative with post titiles)

We finally had some decent rain, we had a river running down the road out from of the house this morning. I finally remembered I'd gotten a light weight raincoat at Ross right after they opened, had to excavate the front clost to find it. I think it is time to declutter the closet.

Sun is out now, hopefully we'll have a couple days of nice weather as we need to get the shed organized and the deck cleared off and ready for winter. Not too mention I really need to start work on the cold frames.

Saturday is Mabon, so I need to come up with something yummy to take. I have the recipe for green tomato salsa my thereapist sent me, so will look at making that. We want to pop down to Lewiston Sat monring to hit Costco and a bit of other shopping. I'm right out of kitty crunchies, so kitties have been getting canned food (not that they are complaining LOL). I also need a few more items such as feta, other cheese and chicken.

I've run out of big mason jars, have to see about getting another case soon. I dried the one cabbage and discovered I'd run out of half gallon jars so I had to use a big plastic container for it. It doesn't seal that well, so with the high humidity I'm afraid the cabbage will rehydrate and I'll have to dry them again. Got a tip for drying surimi (fake crab), so I picked up a package the other night and will give it a try. If it works, I can keep a bunch of it on hand and not take up valuable fridge and freezer space. Hubby loves it in his ramen.
