Probably should write something LOL

Things are toddling along, hubby managed to break his wrist last Friday and it has made life interesting. We'd gone out to Spring Valley to camp and fish and he'd tripped after getting out of the boat. Really sad thing is we'd only caught a blue gill each.

Temps have been much better, it's almost freezing in the mornings, tho by afternoon it has warmed up a lot.

I'm getting very seriously into photography, I've added more photos to my Flickr page. I've figured out how to use the timer on the camera to take self protraits. I've joined several groups to show off my photos to a larger audience.

My garden is coming along. I had some pics, gotta figure out where they are hidden, if not, I'll take more LOL. My one roma tomato is going nuts, I so can't wait for them to ripen so I can start enjoying them.

The quest to tame and civilize Scrapper cat is coming along. He's now coming to my door for his early evening meal. He even came inside the other night and I showed him where the food dishes were. I did get pics, but the camera went wonk and it deleted them (WAHHHH!!!!!), so I'll have to try again later. J is going to get a hold of the feral cat group about getting him in and edited. He should be less aggressive to our cats if he is edited.

I'll be posting more on the trip later, loading the pics into Blogger takes a while since I can only load them one at a time. I wish it would give an option of uploading multiple pics, like Photobucket (which is where I host the photos for the Bravenet version of my blog), it would make putting more then one pic into a post at a time is easier.

Kitties are doing fine, KiKi is finally healing up, tho she sees the tea tree oil bottle come out she runs and hides LOL. Rum Tum is still being a wild child and getting big. Here's a new pic of him:

All the other cats have to jump up to drink, not Rum Tum hehehehehehehe.


Chimera said…
Edited? Now, that's a new expression on me...and a lot less threatening sounding than "fixed." As if something were broken (although if something were broken, he wouldn't need to be edited, would he?).

I'll wait to hear the reaction of the story about the broken wrist as a reason why more fish weren't caught -- or bigger fish, even (what's a blue gill?).

And Rum Tum is still not full growed? Must be some Maine Coon in his family scratching post...
Anonymous said…
Heh, heh, cute kitty Jean.

My Early Girls and Marglobes are all getting tons of green tomatoes. A few ripe Early Girls. Any day now we're gonna be up to our butts in redness!
yellowdoggranny said…
hahahahah edited..goddess, i loved that...i know a couple of guys i would like to huh
Anonymous said…
Yup, I so much prefer edited to "fixed", there is nothing broken, which is the problem, everything is in fine working order hehehehehehe. I hear ya granny, there are a few guys I knowwho need editing too :D

Yeah Jen, I'm so waiting to see that red amongst the green leaves, they are going to be so pretty and tasty :)