My last Friday off

School starts Monday, so no more 4 day weeks, it's back to the grindstone.

I'm retaking a class I took a few years ago so I can finally finish up my anthro degree, then I can start work on a 3rd degree, haven't decided if I'm going for another BS or a Masters.

Have been puttering about today, attempting some house cleaning. Got a bit done, still have some to go. Currently have 4 trays of sliced white mushrooms in the dehydrator. We picked up a 25 pound bag of Walla Walla Sweets for 30 cents a pound over at Otto's Produce, along with a couple pounds of tree ripe, picked this morning peaches. YUMMM!!!!! I'll slice the onions and put them in the dehydrator to dry and then will seal them in mason jars for later use.

I'm still waiting for my tomatos to turn red, I think a couple are turning yellw, so maybe in a few days.

Finally got my driver's license renewed, it expired on Monday, so now I'm legal again.

Currently brain dead, I've been awake since 4:30 am and haven't had a nap so probably should stop attempting to be coherant on the computer LOL.
