Besides the aformentioned fun with plumbing, I did manage to get other stuff done. I finally got several more inverted pots done and now have the extra bush beans that sprouted in the pots hanging up and even managed to get the trim on the porch roof nailed back down (having to commit chemical warfare on a few yellowjacket nests in the process). Not too mention several loads of laundry done.
I still have to finish the sink, I need to run a bead of chaulking undeneath to seal it and tack it down (the only thing holding the sink up is the counter since I ended up taking all the bracket strips off (what I'm cutting in the one pic).
Brined and processed 2 packages of boneless, skinless chicken breasts I got for a $1.89 a pound at Winco. So I have a 3 freezer bags of dump chicken (a ranch, a fajita and an alfredo) and 3 packages of plain chicken breasts in the freezer.
Hubby discovered our car mechanic is also a small engine mechanic, so we'll haul the self-propelled lawnmower I inherited from my dad over to be worked on. L thinks the rings need replacing from hubby's description of how the darned thing blew oil across the driveway last year when I fired it up. Once we get it fixed I can start mowing the lawn myself (right now we pay our one neighbor to do it for me).
The elderly lady around the corner who took care of all the neighborhood strays (kitties who people moved and left and kitties who people dropped off thinking, oh lots of country people there, they'll take in the cats we don't want anymore. GRRRRRRRR) had to go to a nursing home as her health had deteriorated to the point it was too dangerous for her to live alone. So her daughter had a yard sale to get rid of a lot of stuff and make a little money towards E's care. So we popped over and since it was for E, hubby resisted his usual habit of seriously dickering and we paid what was asked. Even then we still scored some bargans. I got a nice wheelbarrow for $5, along with a Presto electric griddle with thermostat for $5 also. We even got a cool bar lamp with bar implements like an ice tong, fancy church key and such that hang off of it for about $4. I also got a bunch of nice loaf pans and we also scored a nice corded drill. Just need to replace the cord ont he drill. We have several cordless drills, but there are times we need a corded one for more power. There were a number of travel trunks and some furniture I would have loved to have had, but we didn't have the roo. There was a great console stero unit, but I had no place to put it. It had an 8 track player in it :D I was a good girl and DIDN'T look at the china cabinet and I closed my eyes and bypassed the complete set of Corelle for 10.
Introduced Rum Tum to catnip last night. He's not too sure about it yet. He also ended up in a tree again. There was an elderly dog who showed up late Sunday, we are hoping she lives down the road and wasn't dumped out our way. She was a very sweet puppy and wanted to be friendly with the cats, but they were having none of that. Rum Tum took one look at the dog and up the tree he went LOL. He finally came down 20 minutes later and I finally got him back into the house. The dog had wandered off by morning (tho I did set up a little bed on the porch just in case she didn't have a home nearby) and the kitties decided it was safe to go outside.
Got some steaks on sale at Safeway last night, I'll cook a couple up for dinner tonight and put the rest in the freezer. We did burgers and tater rounds last night. I tossed the tater rounds with olive oil and ranch dressing mix (my last packet, have to hit Cash and Carry this weekend and stock up on more) and then topped the burgers with some of the mexican cheese blend shredded cheese we got at Costco the last time in.
I still have to finish the sink, I need to run a bead of chaulking undeneath to seal it and tack it down (the only thing holding the sink up is the counter since I ended up taking all the bracket strips off (what I'm cutting in the one pic).
Brined and processed 2 packages of boneless, skinless chicken breasts I got for a $1.89 a pound at Winco. So I have a 3 freezer bags of dump chicken (a ranch, a fajita and an alfredo) and 3 packages of plain chicken breasts in the freezer.
Hubby discovered our car mechanic is also a small engine mechanic, so we'll haul the self-propelled lawnmower I inherited from my dad over to be worked on. L thinks the rings need replacing from hubby's description of how the darned thing blew oil across the driveway last year when I fired it up. Once we get it fixed I can start mowing the lawn myself (right now we pay our one neighbor to do it for me).
The elderly lady around the corner who took care of all the neighborhood strays (kitties who people moved and left and kitties who people dropped off thinking, oh lots of country people there, they'll take in the cats we don't want anymore. GRRRRRRRR) had to go to a nursing home as her health had deteriorated to the point it was too dangerous for her to live alone. So her daughter had a yard sale to get rid of a lot of stuff and make a little money towards E's care. So we popped over and since it was for E, hubby resisted his usual habit of seriously dickering and we paid what was asked. Even then we still scored some bargans. I got a nice wheelbarrow for $5, along with a Presto electric griddle with thermostat for $5 also. We even got a cool bar lamp with bar implements like an ice tong, fancy church key and such that hang off of it for about $4. I also got a bunch of nice loaf pans and we also scored a nice corded drill. Just need to replace the cord ont he drill. We have several cordless drills, but there are times we need a corded one for more power. There were a number of travel trunks and some furniture I would have loved to have had, but we didn't have the roo. There was a great console stero unit, but I had no place to put it. It had an 8 track player in it :D I was a good girl and DIDN'T look at the china cabinet and I closed my eyes and bypassed the complete set of Corelle for 10.
Introduced Rum Tum to catnip last night. He's not too sure about it yet. He also ended up in a tree again. There was an elderly dog who showed up late Sunday, we are hoping she lives down the road and wasn't dumped out our way. She was a very sweet puppy and wanted to be friendly with the cats, but they were having none of that. Rum Tum took one look at the dog and up the tree he went LOL. He finally came down 20 minutes later and I finally got him back into the house. The dog had wandered off by morning (tho I did set up a little bed on the porch just in case she didn't have a home nearby) and the kitties decided it was safe to go outside.
Got some steaks on sale at Safeway last night, I'll cook a couple up for dinner tonight and put the rest in the freezer. We did burgers and tater rounds last night. I tossed the tater rounds with olive oil and ranch dressing mix (my last packet, have to hit Cash and Carry this weekend and stock up on more) and then topped the burgers with some of the mexican cheese blend shredded cheese we got at Costco the last time in.
You could also try growing you own valerian (it's a mint), as long as you don't mind becoming the locus for every feline nose in the state, lol!
And, since it's a mint, and will tend to take over any garden patch in which you offer it space, valerian might be one of those plants that would be perfect for your hanging garden!