Hot, hot, hot!

It's suppposed to start cooling down starting tomorrow. We've been hitting record temps for May. We shouldn't be sleeping with the windows open all night in May! Haven't been doing too much cooking, at least in the early evening since the house gets too hot. Last night we hit Winco for a chicken dinner so we didn't even have to THINK of turning on the stove hehehehehehehe.

Not sure if I'd mentioned before, we killed (actually not really killed) the digicam and had to get a replacement. The old one works fine, indoors. Outside the pics are over exposed and yellow. So we got a Nikon P2 (I think that's it, have to double check when I get home). We can shoot pics up to 5 megapixels, tho we usually keep it set for 2. The mead explosion pics are taken on the new camera. I love it, we have more control over the settings for pic and the viewer on the back is much bigger then the old one so it is not only easier to see what we are taking pics of, we can actually read the info on it. Been getting lots of kitty pics, so I'll be posting those as soon as I run them thru Photoshop.

Today is my Friday YAY!!!!!!!! We hope to go back up to Spokane tomorrow, if not, Saturday. I still want to hit that Greek restaurant for lunch. If we get our butts in gear, do some geocaching while we are at it. We really don't have any finds from out of town yet.

Our computer system at work has been down all week while they upgrade the database and all to a new version. Needless to say, can we say "bored!" I knew you can LOL. My one co-worker ended up taking today and yesterday off, I was thinking about it, but that would have meant staying home in a roasting tin box. I'd rather be bored and cool then hot and busy at the moment. I like heat, but not when it is suddenly thrust upon us with now gradual build up to get used to it.

They keep predicting thunderstorms later today or tomorrow. I hope we get one, we haven't had a decent one in a long, long time. I do need it to cool down some so I can finish getting my garden in. It's hard to do so when one is collapsing from heat exhaustion LOL

I also need to get back into my Flylady routines, at least enough to make the house presentable, my mom and aunt are coming to visit next Thurdsay. It won't take much, just need to get the dishes caught up and some clutter put away. It's just been too hot to do much more then a few dishes at a time.
