It needs to be Friday. I'm ready for Friday.
Weather is slightly ick today, tho reasonably warm. Every once in a while the sun peeks out for a few minutes and then disappears. We had the living room windows open until pretty late last night before it got too chilly. Hopefully soon I can open up the rest of the house.
Didn't have anything in the fridge this morning that sounded good for lunch. Wandered over to the Commons and got a Whopper with cheese, no onions at the Burger King lite counter. I wish they sold small fries. The smallest they have are mediums and I didn't want that many. So just stuck with the burger. I need to fix something for dinner tonight to give me leftovers for tomorrow. I just need to fix dinner period. Didn't do dinner on Sunday and never got around to it last night (hubby had done chinese buffet for lunch and wasn't hungry until too late last night and I just wasn't hungry) and by the time lunch the next day rolls around I'm noticing it :( For some reason my appetite is off, probably all the warm weather this weekend. I did manage to get some breakfast burritos made and in the freezer, so hubby at least has stuff for breakfasts.
My friend dropped off 5 pallets for me yesterday, I didn't feel like doing anything with them last night, so will consider it today. I noticed this morning my one neighbor is finally taking down her rickity porch and brought me the trellis off of it. I'll attach the trellis to my shed so the sugar peas and snap peas have something to climb when I get them planted.
I did manage to get some dishes done last night. Managed a load of laundry this morning. Hopefully I can get the laundry put away sometime this week :P
Weather is slightly ick today, tho reasonably warm. Every once in a while the sun peeks out for a few minutes and then disappears. We had the living room windows open until pretty late last night before it got too chilly. Hopefully soon I can open up the rest of the house.
Didn't have anything in the fridge this morning that sounded good for lunch. Wandered over to the Commons and got a Whopper with cheese, no onions at the Burger King lite counter. I wish they sold small fries. The smallest they have are mediums and I didn't want that many. So just stuck with the burger. I need to fix something for dinner tonight to give me leftovers for tomorrow. I just need to fix dinner period. Didn't do dinner on Sunday and never got around to it last night (hubby had done chinese buffet for lunch and wasn't hungry until too late last night and I just wasn't hungry) and by the time lunch the next day rolls around I'm noticing it :( For some reason my appetite is off, probably all the warm weather this weekend. I did manage to get some breakfast burritos made and in the freezer, so hubby at least has stuff for breakfasts.
My friend dropped off 5 pallets for me yesterday, I didn't feel like doing anything with them last night, so will consider it today. I noticed this morning my one neighbor is finally taking down her rickity porch and brought me the trellis off of it. I'll attach the trellis to my shed so the sugar peas and snap peas have something to climb when I get them planted.
I did manage to get some dishes done last night. Managed a load of laundry this morning. Hopefully I can get the laundry put away sometime this week :P