My cat has gone insane

Nicky for some reason has been acting very, very strange. I'm used to kitties following me into the bathroom, they figure they have a captive audience to get scritches from. Okay, I can live with that.

Nicky has decided that he HAS to jump into my sweatpants while I'm sitting there.


Sorry, I refuse to get a pic of this behavior, I'll take all sorts of pics of the kitties, but here I will draw the line :D

But back to Nicky. I don't know why he does this, it started fairly recently, he's done it to hubby, but this is just too weird for words.

Anyone know a good kitty shrink?

But back to Nicky again. Once out of the bathroom, in the bedroom I hear a noise to discover Nicky is now perched on top of the door.


Just once in my life I would like to have a normal cat (then again, is there such a thing as a NORMAL cat?).


Rosemary said…
Our kitty always follows me into the bathroom, too, but never my husband.
Chimera said…
Cross-dressing cats? Now I've heard of everything!
Anonymous said…
Hehehehehe, they always have to come up with something new to keep us entertained enough to keep providing food and shelter for those little furballs :D