Blech, blech, blech :P

Really didn't want to get out of bed today. I finally did to discover it was foggy and icky out. It most definately ISN'T helping my mood any :( Fog has finally lifted, now it is dark and rainy.

Today is the day for the Literary Luncheon, my cassoulet is in the slow cooker in the break room kitchen. I added sesame oil, hopefully that will add that last little note it was missing. I'll pop in on my morning break to give it a gentle stir.

Coming into work this morning there were 2 city police cars, 2 sheriff's dept cars and an SUV stopped on Palouse River Drive right past Mountain View. Not sure what was going on. There probably won't be anything in tonight's paper, they don't seem to be big on actually reporting local news.

Speaking of news, I see there is another instance of stupid zero tolerance in a school. Seems a kid got to school and realized he had a Swiss Army knife in his pocket, so he immediately turned it in and now the principle has supended him and is starting expulsion proceedings. Right, let's teach kids that doing the right thing is bad and you can't trust authority figures.


Anonymous said…
Heck, kids in school everyday are wielding deadly weapons and in some cases, the school provides them!!! What are they you ask?


You can do a lot of damage with a pencil, so we shouldn't allow students to have pencils or pens or anything like that. Maybe crayons, but I'm sure you can seriously injure someone with those too, so we need to ban ALL writing implements from schools :P
Anonymous said…
Looks like the school learned it's lesson:

School drops knife case against student
Chimera said…
Actually, the school is being incredibly stupid, even at the end. The kid brought it to school by accident, turned it in to comply with the rules -- and he gets a ten-day suspension anyway?

Guess what this taught him (and any other kid who brings something "by accident"): keep it to yourself!

And you don't need pencils in order to have an easy-access deadly weapon. I could take almost anyone off the street, and in about three minutes have them armed, using only what they are wearing or carrying at the time.

I used to love Macgyver...
Anonymous said…
Yeah and anyone who watches Jackie Chan movies can see you can use anything to fight with (I so live "bench fu" hehehehehe).