Lunch was good, lots of yummy stuff (good thing since it started at noon and I don't go to lunch until 12:30pm). My bread was a hit, the person who helped do the prepped said she thought it was a commercial loaf when she sliced it (we do have two yummy bakeries in tow, Wheatberries and the Coop). I think bread of some sort will feature in future special breaks and parties hehehehehehe

Now I really, really, really want to go to sleep ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Talked with hubby, gmail is down on his end. Asked him if he ate lunch (he will forget, esp when he's busy fixing computers), he said he had the rest of the roast. I said fine, then asked "beef roast?". His reply, the roast in the plastic baggie. OOPS! That was the leftover pork loin I'd planned for the pizzas tonight, so we'll have to come with an alternative meat topping for them. We have to hit Winco anyways for dutch processed cocoa powder (I discovered I was completely out last night EEK!!) so we'll see what we can pick up that doesn't require thawing and cooking before topping the pizzas with them. Oh well.

Finally stopped snowing, sun came out for a few minutes. Looks like it's trying to rain a bit. Still chilly out :(

Noticing show biz news, seems the Isaac Hayes is quitting South Park over inapproriate ridicule of religion. How come he waits until they ridicule HIS religion to quit the show. Sounds rather hypocritical to me.

Speaking of religion, Pat Robertson has opened his mouth again, this time in the case of the pot calling the kettle black. He stated radical muslims are satanic and out for world domination, yet when radical christians pull the same crap, Mr Robertson is as silent as the grave on the subject.
