We finally watched The Chronicles of Riddick last night. WOW!!!!!!! We figured it would be a good romp, we were not disappointed and wonderfully surprised at how good it was. I'm really looking forward to see Vin Diesel in Hannibal when it finally comes out.
So, since I had to change direction on the pizzas last night, we picked alternative toppings up at Winco. For hubby I made a ham, mushroom and pinapple pizza and I had a pepperoni pizza. I make my sauce using chopped garlic from a jar, a can of tomato paste, a bit of water, a pinch or two of kosher salt and olive oil. I whizz it all together in my mini food processor and let it meld for a bit. I also added a bit of 10 year old Trader Joes' basalmic vinegar for extra depth of flavor. Since I forgot to have hubby pull the dough from the fridge, I had to heat up the oven a bit to warm and pup the dough in. Once it warmed thru I shaped them into rounds and then discovered I really need to invest in a peel:
Since I couldn't transfer the pizza off the cookie sheets I'd assmbled them on, so I had to pop the cookie sheets on top of the pizza stone to bake :P Turned out fine, but still, kinda defeats the purpose of having the stone.
In the "For crying out loud" news, seems we are going to have to wait two weeks to find out if Frederick Russell is going to finally be sent back to Pullman to stand trial for the car crash he caused that killed 3 and injured another three. It should be a total no brainer Judge. The slime is in Ireland ILLEGALLY after jumping bail and fleeing the US to avoid justice. He already got two other people in trouble, a buddy got nailed for trying to intimidate a witness and a another friend got jail time for helping him flee the country by driving hiim up to Canada. Bad enough he always got a slap on the wrist for previous drunk driving and minor in possesion charges (daddy always managed to either get him off completely or have the charges reduced to almost nothing) so he never learned the consequences of his actions, but now he's trying to wiggle out of things by claiming he's recieved death threats and fears for life. Grow up dude, you KILLED 3 people and whining about how none of it was your fault (originally tried to claim he hadn't been drinking, even tho local bartenders and others testified the guy was skunked to the gills. BTW, the witness the friedn tried to intimidate was one of the bartenders) isn't making anyone feel sorry for you. You drink, you drive, you kill people, you go to jail. PERIOD!
So, since I had to change direction on the pizzas last night, we picked alternative toppings up at Winco. For hubby I made a ham, mushroom and pinapple pizza and I had a pepperoni pizza. I make my sauce using chopped garlic from a jar, a can of tomato paste, a bit of water, a pinch or two of kosher salt and olive oil. I whizz it all together in my mini food processor and let it meld for a bit. I also added a bit of 10 year old Trader Joes' basalmic vinegar for extra depth of flavor. Since I forgot to have hubby pull the dough from the fridge, I had to heat up the oven a bit to warm and pup the dough in. Once it warmed thru I shaped them into rounds and then discovered I really need to invest in a peel:
Since I couldn't transfer the pizza off the cookie sheets I'd assmbled them on, so I had to pop the cookie sheets on top of the pizza stone to bake :P Turned out fine, but still, kinda defeats the purpose of having the stone.
In the "For crying out loud" news, seems we are going to have to wait two weeks to find out if Frederick Russell is going to finally be sent back to Pullman to stand trial for the car crash he caused that killed 3 and injured another three. It should be a total no brainer Judge. The slime is in Ireland ILLEGALLY after jumping bail and fleeing the US to avoid justice. He already got two other people in trouble, a buddy got nailed for trying to intimidate a witness and a another friend got jail time for helping him flee the country by driving hiim up to Canada. Bad enough he always got a slap on the wrist for previous drunk driving and minor in possesion charges (daddy always managed to either get him off completely or have the charges reduced to almost nothing) so he never learned the consequences of his actions, but now he's trying to wiggle out of things by claiming he's recieved death threats and fears for life. Grow up dude, you KILLED 3 people and whining about how none of it was your fault (originally tried to claim he hadn't been drinking, even tho local bartenders and others testified the guy was skunked to the gills. BTW, the witness the friedn tried to intimidate was one of the bartenders) isn't making anyone feel sorry for you. You drink, you drive, you kill people, you go to jail. PERIOD!
It's also interesting to note that in Canada and Britain, the victims of crimes have no official or legal standing -- they are simply not "elements of the crime." All crimes in these countries are committed against the State -- not against real People!
Hubby has probably already filled you in on a lot of that, though...
Where are the international bounty hunters when you really need them, eh?
I remember all the BS that went on trying to get a couple people back from Canada, one was a serial killer who, along with his partner, kidnapped people, tortured them and then fleed to Canada. His partner killed himself while in jail in California and it was something like 10 years or so before California got him back to stand trial.
Yeah, hubby has filled me in on victim rights in Canada, along with self-defense being against the law. One major reason he won't move back there. He and his former wife had been threatened, the perp got off on a technicality, when hubby asked a cop what he should do if he was physically threatened again, the cop replied, beat the guy senseless, don't let him recognize you and NEVER report having to defend yourself to the police, since hubby would be the one to get busted, not the criminal.