A gloomy Friday

But at least it is Friday, two days off to look forward to. Not sure how much shopping we can do, budget is tight again. Have to re-think what I'm doing for the Literary Luncheon. I had planned on a beef dish, but the luncheon falls between paydays and if this one is tight, then I can't get the ingredients I'd need. I do have the ingredients to do a cassoulet using bacon and pork loin. I would need to buy a couple things, but that would be onions and such and I need those anyways.

I'm going to make pita bread tonight for dinner. Not sure what we'll put in it, but I'm going to make pita bread LOL Hubby saw a commercial for Taco Time's mahi mahi flatbread and suddenly wanted pita bread with something on it hehehehehehe

If you haven't seen this video, see it! I love jugglers and this guy is totally AMAZING!!!! I would LOVE to see him in person.

Watched the new South Park episode of the new season. A definate lesson in not pissing those guys off LOL. Not one of their better ones tho. I wonder if they do have any plans for Darth Chef.

Didn't cook dinner last night, the only thing that sounded good was Doritos and cream cheese :D Had to fight KiKi for the Doritos tho. I've never had a cat so insistant to have Doritos. Rum Tum asked for one, so I gave him a tiny one. He sniffed it and walked away. Whew! Sharing with hubby and one kitty is bad enough. I'd have to get violent if anyone else insisted on my doritos LOL. Hubby had beenies and weans (beans and weenies). We'd picked up a can of Vandecamp's baked beans. Pretty yummy, I had a few bites, tho I don't like hot dogs.


Chimera said…
That video is priceless! Gotta send the link for that to Spider!
Anonymous said…
Spider? I don't suppose Spider is a certain guitar playing, punster who happens to write some pretty darned good books is he?
Chimera said…
And who loves anything Beatles -- especially Abbey Road -- whence came the music for the juggling.

Yup. That be the guy:


He has an Alaska Cruise coming up this summer -- I really want to go!
Anonymous said…
OOOOO, I'd love to go on that cruise :) That would be so much fun.

Spider is one reason I'm married today (that and my friend Shelly's magic coffee pot. Actually, it's all Shelly's coffee pot's fault hehehehehehe). Tam and Shelly are mutual friends of hubby and mine before we met, they usually have room parties at the various science fiction conventions. Spider just happened to be there one night at V-con and he and Tam were jamming on their guitars and one thing lead to another thru a serious of events that night and several months later I was moving a hubby to the US :D I have very fond memories of that room party and SPider singing.
Chimera said…
From what I know of Spider, he's a dyed-in-the-wool romantic. He'd LOVE that story!
Anonymous said…
I do believe he is and he would hehehehe