You may have noticed a slight change to this blog. I decided to start playing around with the template a bit, basically deconstructing it over the weekend to figure out how this CSS thing all works. It's not perfect, but the colors are more what I like. I did get smart and the original is backed up up in two places. There are still some elements I need to figure out, but this will do for now :)


Chimera said…
I love what you've done with the place! LOL!

Oh, much better colors. The cranberry on the other one was okay, but that pink was making me bilious...
Anonymous said…
:D I'm really big into bright colors, esp in the pink and purple department LOL Yeah, the cranberry was nice, but that pink was a little to BLECH for my tastes.

Now I need to figure out the other elements, I do miss the oval on the header. I'm pretty sure that was a pic, since when I deleted the URL for that, it went away.