That seems to be working, tho it is going to take a long time to transfer 800+ posts, some with pics that I will have to transfer to Photobucket since they are hosted on Bravenet and I don' thtink they like them posted to places not on the Bravenet servers. We'll see.
I've decided to put the link to the old posts in the post title, I'm not going to transfer the comments over, at least at this point in time.
I think I'll work from both directions, newer and older and eventually meet in the middle. I'll also copy new entries to both blogs until I ultimately decide what I'm going to do with both.
I've decided to put the link to the old posts in the post title, I'm not going to transfer the comments over, at least at this point in time.
I think I'll work from both directions, newer and older and eventually meet in the middle. I'll also copy new entries to both blogs until I ultimately decide what I'm going to do with both.