Poor hubby

He wasn't feeling good this evening, so went to bed at 8:30, so I had dinner alone and the rest went into the fridge for tomorrow night.

I took the pork loin and finished defrosting it in the reactor, sliced it into 6 slices and put it in a baking dish. Drizzled olive oil over it and sprinkled the Johnny's Garlic Ceasar sprinkle on it. The potatos I layered into a another baking dish with parmasean from the green can, total of 3 layers. I made a roux wih 3 TBS butter and 3 TBS flour, added a cup and a bit of half and half and then some more parmasean and poured that into the potatos and it all went into the oven. Came out very, very yummy. The sauce on the potatos was rich and creamy and a lovely cheese flavor. I think I may have finally figured out a cheese sauce that won't break LOL I saved a bit out for my lunch, the rest went into the fridge.

So I am sitting here, just pulled the loaf of sourdough bread I put in the oven a while ago out. It's cooling on a rack. Smells divine. Also listening to SIRUS Broadway's Best hubby recorded earlier this week. We get a whole slew of digital music channels and we listen to the Broadway one a lot. Hubby will transfer some of the songs over and record them onto CD for future listening pleasure, without the very annoying DJ, Seth somebody or other. In small doses he's okay, but after a while he gets too grating and really gets on hubby's nerves.

Got the coffemaker set to go for the morning, the dishes mostly done (still have the loaf pan and the dish the potatos baked in) and I'm thinking I really need to get my FlyBaby morning and evening routines put back into my PIM. Somehow or other, they got deleted, along with the photos. Hubby has no idea what happened, I'm thinking a whole slug of my text files got eaten when the computer puked a month or so back. Oh well, the routines are easy, just gotta open notepad, write them up and then into the PIM.

I figure half an hour more of surfing then off to bed.
