It's been icky and rainy all day today, very So I brought in the inflatable palm tree and fake parrot and have them on my desk overhaning my computerdesk Got smiles from folk.

Going down to Lewiston tomorrow, there is a geocaching get together at Granny's buffet, so we'll hit that and visit fellow geocachers and then do some shopping. Hopefully we can hit the cash and carry and then over to Costco. Gotta get kitty food, I've just enough for half a bowl tonight. Good thing I've got some canned and pouch kitty food, or else we would be in serious trouble hehehehehehehe

I'm taking a 3 day weekend, we have student coverage for Monday. I'm going to haul in the freecycled kitchen sink, probably Sunday and see if it looks like it will work, then I'll see how much trouble I can get into taking out the avacado green sink and installing the new one. I also picked up oven cleaner, so will see if I can poison myself sometime this weekend cleaning the oven.

FLYing along, slowly. I took down more decorations last night and cleared off the buffet. I know FlyLady said to have them packed away last week, but I get depressed if things go back to bland suddenly. A couple weeks of putting a few things away every couple days works best for me. I may decide to leave the lights up, haven't decided yet. I am going to keep the evergreen/poinsettia garland up over the alter, looks nice up there. Did fling a small ton of paper containing recipes I've clipped and copied from various sources (magazines, newspapers, calenders) and only kept the ones I actually have done and those I transcribed into my AccuCheff program on the laptop and then flung the paper I've also got a pile of old magazines ready to go to the recyclers next time we go in.

Rum Tum is getting huge. As much as I dislike to, he's going to get edited this month, even tho he's only 4-4.5 months old. I've never liked editing kitties before 6-8 months, preferably 8 months to give them plenty of time to get grown, but he's growing FAST and getting aggressive. Not that he means to be aggressive, but we need to nip that bud before it gets too bad, esp since he's now venturing outside. He's sticking around the house pretty well, but we do have a couple un-edited males living nearby (Nicky's daddy for one) and that can spell trouble if they decide he's competition (not that we have any un-edited females in the area that I know of). He has decided he doesn't like rain, even tho he likes to play in the bathtub and sink.

Took a quick peek at the news today, I see another candidate for the "keep opening your mouth like that people are going to know for sure you are idiots" award showed up on Today's recipient is Pamala Anderson, she of the inflating and deflating boobies. Seems PETA's got her whining to Kentucky that they need to remove the bust of Colonel Sander's from the Kentucky State house. Hey Pam, rather then running around shilling for a domestic terroist organization pretending you have a brain in your head, how about getting you butt out and see what you can do about supporting shelters where you live. I will guarantee they can use the money you waste on PETA to house critters in need of help, hopefully in no-kill shelters. PETA's proven over and over again, it isn't about the animals, they couldn't care less about the animals (if they did they wouldn't be "rescuing" animals from shelters and getting caught killing them and dumping the bodies into dumptsers), it's about how much they can keep themselves in the news.

Still debating the cooking for newbies blog. If I do I need a good name for it and my brain is fried and can't think of anything.
