Cold, windy and snowy outside right now. FINALLY got Rum Tum to come in a little while ago, thought I was going to have to go out and get him.

Hubby vetoed sink replacement this weekend. He didn't want to find that we needed a part and the store we needed would be closed today. Oh well, had lots of other things to do. We hauled the dying vaccuum cleaner to the dump (the bearings were gone) along with hubby's computer monitor that died. Scooped up the tree and the branches and hauled those into the recycling center along with some other stuff that needed recycling.

Decided that while I can get good stuff at the dollar store, oven cleaner is not one of them. I almost gassed myself trying to clean the oven, the nozzle kept clogging up and it didn't clean as well as I'd liked. So in this case, you get what you pay for. Next time I'll pay the $$ and get a good name brand oven cleaner.

Picked up a whole pork loin at Costco, along with a big bag of cheese (mozarella), a package of boneless, skinless chicken thighs, kitty cat food, more peeled garlic (what I had left had gone fuzzy, I'll go back to freezing what I don't use right away instead of trying to vac seal it in a container in the the fridge) and supplements for hubby.

Today I cut the loin into 4 pieces, made a brine and have them brining in the fridge. I'll vac seal two of them plain and the other two I'll put in ziplocks and add mustard and other seasonings for cooking later. The chicken we had some for dinner last night and the rest I divided into two ziplocks, 1 with olive oil, lemone juice, garlicd seasoning, some whole garlic cloves, salt and pepper. The other I added soy sauce, teriyake sauce, sesame oil and 5 spice for an asian chicken. Those hubby can toss into the one slow cooker to start dinner. I also did mashed potatos today, I've got a couple containers of cheesy mashed potatos using mozarella and then the garlic seasoning mashed potatos.

Dinner tonight is a pot roast, I added garlic, potaots and onions and am cooking it in the cast iron dutch oven. Started it on the stove top, added water and basalmic vinegar and am finishing it in the oven. It should be done in about 20 minutes or so.
