
Another book I requested the library to order for our collection has arrived. Now I am anxiously awaiting for it to make it thru cataloging and marking so I can have it in my hot little hands The book is Lara Frater's Fat Chicks Rule! How To Survive in a Thin-Centric World and I am so looking forward to reading it.

Other books I requested and we got are TAKING UP SPACE: How Eating Well & Exercising Regularly Changed My Life by Pattie Thomas , Ph.D., a VERY good read and I highly recommend it. Another is Strange History of Suzanne LaFleshe and Other Stories of Women and Fatness by Susan Koppelman (editor), which is also very interesting reading.

It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!! And the last day of the semester, so we should have a quiet few weeks before students come back from break.

The staff Christmas party was yesterday. I baked brownies I added chocolate chips to and there wasn't a crumb left by the time the party was over. Some one brought an assortmant of yummy cheeses, the chive goat cheese was to die for. I have to keep an eye out for some.

Payday today, with luck we'll have money for groceries LOL Luckily most of what I need isn't too costly, but the meat and cheese are the big ticket items. We also have to get kitty food and with luck I can find some kitten chow Rum Tum won't turn his nose up at.

Tried my hand at making bath salts last night. A simple recipe I got from one of the Fly Lady lists I am on (either the Idaho one or the North Idaho one). It is candy cane bath salts:

Candy Cane Bath Salts

2 cups Epsom salts
1/2 c. sea salt
4-6 drops peppermint oil
2-3 drops red food coloring.

Place 1 cup Epsom and 1/4 cup sea salt in a bowl. Add 2-3 drops peppermint oil. Place the remaining ingredients in a second bowl. Mix well. Layer the red and white salts in a clear bottle or jar.

They came out quite pretty, tho pink and white. I borrowed some food coloring from a neighbor and it is the paste kind and pretty old. I dissolved some in some peppermint oil, but it didn't come out as red as I would have liked. But I have a couple bottles of pretty bath salts to give my mom and aunt. We'll buy their main prezzies tonight after work and get everything shipped out tomorrow. Luckily mom lives over in the Vancover WA area and my aunt comes up for Christmas, so the package will arrive via USPS with plenty of time.

I'm going to pick up more ingredients and make bath salts for the ladies in the coven for their Yule presents. The guys will be out of luck this year, next year I hope to include them. I can't think of anything I can make that would be appropriate for guys this year.

Yule circle is tomorrow night, have to come up with a dish to take for munchies.
