Get a grip!

Seems some fundies and conservatives are foaming at the mouth over people saying "Happy Holidays" instead of Merry Christmas during this holiday season. These folk need to get a life that involves living with their fellow human beings instead of demanding everyone else follow their narrow and preferable version of theocracy view of the world.

Holiday: (from “holy day”), originally, a day of dedication to religious observance; in modern times, a day of either religious or secular commemoration.

So wishing folk a Happy Holiday during this time of year covers BOTH religious (Christmas, Hanukkah, Solstice/Yule, Kwanzaa and what ever religious celebration happens around this time) AND the nice secular let's all go out eat, drink and be merry enjoying and surviving the winter holidays.

Personally, if I wanted to get bent out of shape about things, I'd start campaigning that Christians should stop celebrating Christmas in December since the vast majority of the traditions were stolen from pagans, including Dec 25th since the Church wanted to stamp out all other religions and stole pagan holidays and overlayed ones that they made up, like Jesus being born in the winter, when he was clearly born in the spring. So, if they wanted to celebrate His birthday correctly, they can bloody well figure it when it was (I think some scholars pinpointed it to sometime in April) and move their big birthday celebration to then and let everyone else celebrate the winter holidays in peace.
