Bright, sunshiny morning

and 25F out. Thermometer says it got down to 20.1F, at least here at our house, they were predicting lows about 17F. Hopefully it doesn't get down to that, at least tonight and the power doesn't go out. A friend borrowed our Dragon to see if it could heat up his sauna down by his pond. If it works he'll buy one and we'll get our Dragon back.

Didn't make it to TriState, by the time we got ready and our neighbor B got ready, we were running a bit later then we liked and we wanted to be back up the hill before dark. So we got to Lewiston, got gas, paid that bill, hit Shopko and found the cane tip we've been looking for. It attachs to the cane and swivils down to cover the tip with a piece that has teeth. It's good for snow and ice and swivils out of the way when not needed. We'd first seen one at an open circle and a guest had one. He said he got it at Rite Aid and we checked the next time we were in. We SHOULD have gotten it then, but we figured we'll wait and get it later. Bad thinking, Rite Aid no longer carries them :( Luckily Shopko does. B got one for her cane and if I have to go to using mine more often (knock on wood that I DON'T) we can pop over to the Pullman Shopko and get one for mine.

Did lunch at Costco, I do so love their pizza, then we shopped. Picked up a couple whole chickens, 2 packages of the chicken thighs we like, 6 pack of the Kirkland orange juice, 5 lbs of shredded mozzarella, split a two pack of extra virgin olive oil with B (she doesn't go thru olive oil the way we do) and a bottle of naproxin. Loasded up the car and took B into the Bridge Street store where they have Sid's Sword Shoppe. She found a neat box with a dragon on it for a christmas prezzie for her son and then in another part of the store found a cool desk toy she can take to work. We left the wallet and check book int the car and made SURE we didn't walk out with anything this trip. That store is dangerous LOL

Got back up the hill no problems, made better time getting home then we thought. I loaded up the bread machine with pizza dough ingredients, and after our other friend picked up the Dragon, we popped out to Winco to pick up soda and a couple other items. Grabbed a container of hot buttered rum mix and a bottle of that wine I used for the turkey, it is yummy for drinking.

For the pizzas, I grabbed my little food processor and dumped in a small can of no salt added tomato paste, olive oil, a bit of water, a big pinch of kosher salt and a heaping teaspoon of chopped garlic. Whizzed that all together and I had a pizza sauce. Hubby's pizza had the last of the turkey white meat, mine I sliced pepperoni and seriously topped it with cheese. YUM!!!! I'm going to do that pizza sauce again, making it in larger quantities with a bit more garlic (the garlic flavor was nice and subtle, maybe a bit too subtle) and then get some small freezer containers so I can make containers the right size for two pizzas and some a bit smaller for heating up and dunking homemade calzones in.

Got the turkey carcass in the stock pot this morning. I'm thawing out that leftover buttermilk, I'll cut one of the chickens up in a bit and soak it in the buttermilk and do fried chicken for dinner tonight.
