We have snow, boy do we have SNOW!!!! We had at least 8 inches on the car and when we went out last night to rescue the Nicky kitty I was tromping thru a good foot or more snow across our lawn. The wind had blown up drifts and by this morning blown most of it away so we only had 6 inches or so on the lawn.

Boy, that cat KNOWS we love him now LOL Poor thing hadn't really seen snow, since last year he was indoors most of the time and we didn't get much. He'd gotten under the neighbors truck and the snow drifted up high around it and poor thing was terrified of the snow and cried and cried and cried when I called him. He was definately one freaked out kitty.

Now I just have to figure out where my snow shovel went, it isn't where I thought I'd put it grrrrrrrrrrr I just talked to hubby and reminded him to see if he can find it.

We really should have gotten pics, but hubby thought the camera was in his bag in the car, well the bag must be in the house since it wasn't in the car. Hopefully he'll think about it later. This is the first serious snow we've had in serveral years now. Which reminds me, we need to get the snow tires from my little red car to our friends who have it, they are going to need them.

We came back from the No Suppercenter meeting a bit early last night, hubby was worried about the snow. The main part of the meeting was the people from the Pullman Walmart opposition was telling some of what they had to do and how they organized, so it looks like the Moscow group will have some experienced people to get advice from. Some questions and points were brought up, such as we'd always been told by people who studied Walmart that Walmart nevers puts super centers close to gether and in fact close all regular Walmarts within 35 miles. Onf othe PARD people says that is changing as Walmart plans on opening as many stores they can and have put supercenters close to each other. Great. Luckily we have a very good chance to stop this store as our city council is more responsive to citizen input (Pullman didn't have ANY public meetings on this) AND we can learn from what the PARD group has gone thru. I grabbed a couple petitions on the way out and will pass them to friends for signatures.
