
New week, same old stuff, more or less hehehehehehe

Weekend went way to fast, as usual. Saturday we went and helped cleanup where we are havnig Samhain and then sort of circled. As a coven we've been kinda lax and not really getting into what we are doing, so we hashed things out, decided to work towards more woo woo and less fuzzy bunny when it comes to magic work and hopefully we can work some powerful magic.

Took my saffron rice with wild mushrooms for potluck, along with some chips and cheese dips I got from the dollar store. I've still some rice left, I pulled out my last dump chicken package, the fajita one. I'll head up the rice to serve it with the chicken for dinner tonight.

Sunday we popped over to our crone's place and finished getting the notes taken the night before into our laptop and get a couple other items typed in that she had copies of.

Stopped off at Rosauers on the way home to pick up some ground pork. Hubby wanted pot stickers and the pork I had had gone off (I'd frozen it, pulled it out last Tuesday, got sick and off it went) and I needed more. I got a full pound (they only had pre-packaged pork and it was all in pound lots), so I made a double recipe of the filling and froze half of it for later. I also made a double batch of krab rangoon and did the same. I got a gallon ziplock bag each in the freezer of the finished yummies. I was going to do bacon/cheese muffins yesterday, but didn't get around to it. Hopefully I can whip some out tonight so hubby and I can have breakfast/coffee break munchies for the week.

Picked up some ahi (tuna) bites on Friday when I was at the store. I call them bites as none of the pieces were big enough to call steaks. I dipped them in some soy, rolled them in sesame seeds and then cooked them for a minute or two on each side. Onto a plate with slices from half an avacado and YUMMMMMMMMM I made a dipping sauce with some soy and teriyake sauce. It wasn't that expensive wither, $2.89 a pound and I got a bit less then a pound. Hubby isn't into fish, so it was mine, all mine BWAHAHAHAHAHA Have to get some more and see what recipes I can some up with for it. I finished off the avacado last night (luckily I picked up two, so I'm looking forward to enjoying it later this week). Sliced it into 6 pieces, fried up some corn tortillas with some charp cheddar cheese and then stuffed a slice of avacado into each one. Made a very yummy dinner for me. Hubby got burgers and fries I had in the freezer.

Got the recycling taken in and dropped off, I can walk thru my kitchen door into the living room with tripping over it. Got the beer bottles we scored thru freecycle stored in some bins, so they are now out of sight, instead of sitting on top of the desks on the porch. Need to pick up a couple more bins for storage and to use as washing up bins for the bottles. I need to get my brewing kit back from our firend, so I can see what I can brew up next. I still want to do mead, the price of honey is dropping back to affordable.

Kitten still doesn't have a name. We are currently trying out Theodore (as in Roosevelt). We tried Dale, Junior, Earnhardt, Jeff, Gordon (speaking of whom...YAY!!!!! He won this weekend), Marlin, etc, since he is such zoom kitty, but he didn't answer to any of them. Friday we were thinking Retief (SF charactor in a series of books hubby and I like by Keith Laumer), but that didn't work out either. I also double checked with my friend on kittens age. She figures he's about 5-6 weeks old now, he is huge for that age. I was comparing him with some pics of Maine Coon kittens on the web and I'm thinking he may have some in him. He's starting to show some Main Coon personality traits, such as prefering to sitting by you as opposed to sitting on, but we'll see. We're still feeding him formula along with his kitten crunchies and he is enjoying some pounch type kitty treats. Nicky has really taken to the kitten, I've got some pics of him snuggling and grooming the kitten. I'll get those posted some time this week.

I started the avacado pit in water. I managed to kill my little tree this summer, so hopefully I won't do the same with this one. I'll start the other pit later in the week.
