
time to look at buying a mortor, seems Wally World was taking core samples from the field just down from my house :mad: I can only think they were doing so to put pressure on Pullman to let them cram the supercenter they want to build over there down everyones throats. There is some serious opposition to them building it. "Well, if you won't let us have our way, we'll take our toys and build across the state line where they want us!" Yeah right. You think Pullman put up oppsition, you should see it when people in Moscow stand up and dig in their heels.

First off, we don't need a superstore in the area, we have plenty of grocery stores thank you very much with good prices. If they REALLY want to put money into a new store, how about referbing the store they already have here and actually hire more people who have a clue as to what is going on. Most of the time we go in to ask a question, we either get a blank look or the run around. They've baited and switched us once too often in the electronic department we'll pay the extra bucks to get something from a smaller local store. Clothes are bought at Shopko, I dislike having something fall apart the first time I toss it into the wash. Not too mention Shopko keeps their shelves in order and you don't have to hunt over half the store to find a price scanner that works (not too mention they actually HAVE the correct prices on the shelves).

The kitten is doing fine, he and Nicky are starting to play a bit more, tho Nicky is a little tentative since the kitten is so small. But he was chasing the kitten and vice versa. We are starting to put toilet paper tubes over electrical cords and the network cable. Kitten likes to chew, not good. The friend who gave him to us called last night to see how he was doing. I reassured her he was doing fine, getting plenty of food and liquids. Moms, they worry about their babies when they leave the nest hehehehehehe

Rainy today, which is helping to keep the temps up a bit. Gotta finish weatherizing the house. Our electric bills are already lower thanks to the newer fridge. It doesn't kick on and off all the time like the old one. I think our bills dropped in half when we got rid of that one.

Sliced a brined pork roast and baked it with some seasoned salt, pepper, paprika and garlic cloves. Baked some boxed stuffing with it for dinner last night. Came out yummy and I have leftovers for lunch. Planning on garlic dijon mustard chicken tonight. I'll look at baking a couple potatos for a side and one of the packages of veggies in the freezer. Maybe the squash.
