YEE HAW!!! It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And my motherboard bit the big one this morning. At first everything came up fine, but when I clicked to open my browser it gave a hard error message my hubby'd never seen before. Re-booted and nothing. Luckily we have the laptop and it has a couple USB ports and I can plug my trackball mouse into it (I HATE using the touch pad to mouse, drives me nuts). Thank the Goddess my new motherboard should be here on Monday and hubby had just backed up my computer the other day and I haven't added anything new since.

Tired this morning, hubby had a blood sugar crash about 11:30pm, so we were up for a while after that while we got him back to normal. Then I couldn't sleep well and woke up early. Thank goodnes it's Friday and I can sleep in tomorrow.

Since we were up, we watched a bit of Man with the Screaming Brain with Bruce Campbell. Can't wait to finish watching it, what we saw was pretty good. Watched the first episode of Bones, not bad, tho they need to work on it a bit. I'm getting a couple of the books the show is based on, tho the author has her set in Quebec in Cananda, the show has her in Washington DC.

Still planning on having my friend's son come over to help me work in the yard and the porch this weekend. Going to see if our neighbor will help us haul some things to the dump, we do need to get the old toilet off the back steps hehehehehe Hubby tired to get the property owner to drive over it with his tractor, but he wouldn't go for it, darn (would have been fun to watch, but I guess he didn't want chunks of red porcelin all over the road).
