Switching to plan B

Got the bike back together and took it for a quick run to check it out. Need to raise the seat, handle bar, get a new seat and figure out why the front derailleur isn't moving the chain onto the big sprocket and then start training every night after work up and down the road.

I thought I was in better shape then I am. Took the test run down to the bridge and back, stopping at the mailboxes to pick up todays mail and then home. I thought I was going to die, came in the house, couldn't catch my breath and thought I was going to toss lunch. Not good. So I'll slow down a bit, the last thing I need is to get to work Monday morning and collapse in the middle of the office LOL

Our neighbors gave us a watermelon last week, we're going to take it to the teaching circle for our share of the potluck. I'd not cut into it yet as it is lots bigger then we can eat ourselves, even tho we love watermelon. It will be good for sharing.
