It's towards the end of August and I shouldn't be needing to turn the heat on in the house in the morning! It was freezing. Checked the thermometer and the recorded low at our place was 35F! We did have the heat on in the car when we came in.
Hubby is picking up the cat condo today, he did get our friend to help. Still don't know what it looks like, but the kitties will be happy. Both of us had to seriously resist the urge to respond to a freecycle ad for a cat. Some people have a cat who wandered in and they can't keep her. It was soooooo hard to not hit reply, but they are looking for someone who can keep her as an indoor kitty only. Hubby was going "we can handle an indoor only cat" to which I replied "Not a hope, any kitty we get will be indoor/outdoor as I have no intention of spending the entire year letting 2 of them out and telling the 3rd she can't go outside with her brother and sister". So we have been reprieved from an addition to the family (WAAAHHHHH!!!!!!).
YAY!!!! Our Wellness cards are being mailed to me via campus mail at this moment, so Monday we hit the pool!!!!!!
Our neighbor popped in last night, she'd defrosted a package of fake crab and then didn't use it. Her roommate got violantly ill previously on it and she ended up not using the package, so she gave it to us. Perfect timing, I'd just pulled some chuck steak out to defrost for tonights dinner so now I'm going to make steak neptune for dinner, instead of just steak. I'll make some hollandaise sauce from scratch and bake a couple potatos for the side.
The dijon pork loin came out wonderfully. Made rice to go with it. I made up extra rice, so tomorrow night I'll use it and the leftover pork loin to make fried rice for dinner. Hubby and I have a hankering for pizza, so I think maybe we can get a Papa Murphy's on Friday. If not, burgers and fries for dinner on Friday instead.
Hubby is picking up the cat condo today, he did get our friend to help. Still don't know what it looks like, but the kitties will be happy. Both of us had to seriously resist the urge to respond to a freecycle ad for a cat. Some people have a cat who wandered in and they can't keep her. It was soooooo hard to not hit reply, but they are looking for someone who can keep her as an indoor kitty only. Hubby was going "we can handle an indoor only cat" to which I replied "Not a hope, any kitty we get will be indoor/outdoor as I have no intention of spending the entire year letting 2 of them out and telling the 3rd she can't go outside with her brother and sister". So we have been reprieved from an addition to the family (WAAAHHHHH!!!!!!).
YAY!!!! Our Wellness cards are being mailed to me via campus mail at this moment, so Monday we hit the pool!!!!!!
Our neighbor popped in last night, she'd defrosted a package of fake crab and then didn't use it. Her roommate got violantly ill previously on it and she ended up not using the package, so she gave it to us. Perfect timing, I'd just pulled some chuck steak out to defrost for tonights dinner so now I'm going to make steak neptune for dinner, instead of just steak. I'll make some hollandaise sauce from scratch and bake a couple potatos for the side.
The dijon pork loin came out wonderfully. Made rice to go with it. I made up extra rice, so tomorrow night I'll use it and the leftover pork loin to make fried rice for dinner. Hubby and I have a hankering for pizza, so I think maybe we can get a Papa Murphy's on Friday. If not, burgers and fries for dinner on Friday instead.