Gremlins are eating the Net!

Got up this morning, booted up my 'puter, turned on the TV and grabbed my coffee. I have my homepage set to My Yahoo and it came up okay, then I couldn't get anywhere. Hubby checked the router and the modem and those seemed fine. Tried calling Verizon and all their circuits were busy. Hopefully the problem will sort itself out.

FINALLY got my hands on Harry Potter and the Half Blood-Prince. The person ahead of me on the list must have read it over the weekend as it was still on the hold shelf when I left on Thursday. I was going to start it last night, but we went over to the neighbors and had dinner there and watched him play Halo. Looks like a fun game. I tried playing it there before, but I can't get a handle on the controller. I'm much better playing games on a computer and using the keyboard then on one of the game boxes.

Not quite as smoky today, but it's still there. Had a scratchy throat all day yesterday. Hopefully the smoke will get blown in another direction. The fire went to 37,000 acres and I heard on the news last night they expected it to get to 50,000 acres before getting a handle on it. Hubby read that that area hadn't had a major fire in 60 years, so there is lots of fuel for it. Also doesnt' help that a lot of the terrain is steep hillsides where it is hard to fight it.

In other news, that slimeball Duncan waived a preliminary hearing, so Shasta won't have to testify for a while. Next step is arraignment where the slime will enter a plea. After that, the prosecutor will have to decide if he'll persue the death penalty and then the trial will be after that. Authorities in California are looking at Duncan for the 1997 kidnap and murder of a 10 year old boy. I read elsewhere that Washington authorities are looking into the murders of a couple little girls who were living near him at the time. In the meantime Shasta is back with her father and there have been a number of fundraisers for her. One was a bunch of bikers who threw one. They figured they'd get a couple hundred people show up, they got over a thousand people. Raised a goodly amount of money for her.
