I was a bit miffed yesterday :D but ordered pizza for dinner, watched Good Eats and put the cat condo together.
We had to take down the shelf over the south windows, move a book shelf and the rocker and end table. The condo isn't facing the right way at the moment, there is a shelf that fits into the side next to the wall, but oriented the right way, the front shelves stick into the living room. We may turn it later and add the shelf. KiKi isn't too sure of it yet, she's never been a furniture climbing kitty (she prefers to climb the tree out front), but Nicky was very happy, he was checking it out again, inside and out.
We had to take down the shelf over the south windows, move a book shelf and the rocker and end table. The condo isn't facing the right way at the moment, there is a shelf that fits into the side next to the wall, but oriented the right way, the front shelves stick into the living room. We may turn it later and add the shelf. KiKi isn't too sure of it yet, she's never been a furniture climbing kitty (she prefers to climb the tree out front), but Nicky was very happy, he was checking it out again, inside and out.