Not fair!

Apparently there was a magnitude 5.6 earthquake Monday night, felt locally and I didn't feel it at all. I never feel earthquakes, even when I lived in California. During the summer my mom would call home occasionally to see if there was any damage to the house and I'd go "H'uh! Earthquake? Oh, well the pics on the walls are a little wonky, but that was about it." Never felt it.

Totally jonesing for pizza yesterday, so we got the take out special from Pizza Perfection. It's 2 for 1 so I can get my pepperoni with extra cheese and hubby can have gyro meat with ground beef and garlic sauce on his. Now I have lunch for the next couple of days.

Hubby is getting nervous driving the Subaru around. He's so used to being low profile he didn't think that the car would now be high profile. He's also not to sure about the kitty cat theme. He's now thinking more Siberian Tiger, which makes some sense since his Chinese astrological sign is Water Tiger. He clicks more with Chinese astrology then with western astrology, but then again, he was more Chinese then his 2nd wife, who was 2nd generation Canadian-Chinese. He had to explain traditions and such to her when they attended her family gatherings. So he'll get a hold of our friend and bounce the tiger theme off of her. Since it is tempra paint, it is easy to change the themes.

Going to be hot today, I'll cook up some chicken in the slow cooker with some onion, garlic and potatos again and serve it with salad fresh from the garden. I'll do a balsamic vinegar based dressing. I keep thinking ceasar dressing, but the balsamic is easier and I don't have to deal with raw eggs on a very hot evening.
