Rainy Monday

With the exception of Mister passing on, it has been a pretty good weekend. Friday afternoon we ran errands and picked up a friend who came over to visit and do laundry. He bought pizza and we watched some funny BBCAmerica shows we had on the DVR. Didn't get to bed until 1:30am, way past our bedtime, but it was fun and it has been a while since we had someone over for and evening.

Saturday was clean the car and putter about some more. Went over to the community garden in the evening and helped do a little weeding. One of the things we puttered out for was a cane for me. While I'm starting to feel better (so far no side effects, knock on wood), the muscle weakness is still bad, esp in my legs. Trying to stand up from the couch and most chairs is very difficult and hubby brow beat me into gettnig a cane. It will serve as an extra one for him, for me it is a temporary measure (I HATE having to use it, but I hate the struggle to stand up even moe). I did find the cane comes in handy to let me bend over and pull weeds, at least for a little while.

Sunday we got a couple friends and picked up a refrigerator/freezer someone offered on the local Freecycle list. It is a third smaller then the one we have now, but all the seals are intact, the drawers are intact and it has an energy saver switch. It also has doors that open opposite from our old fridge so it can sit in the corner and getting into it is easier. Since we transported it on its side, we had to let it sit unplugged, so today about 2pm hubby will plug it in and I can transfer stuff from the old fridge tot he new one. Because it is smaller, I am hoping it will help us NOT keep so much stuff in thefridge. I counted at least 4 jars of salsa that were 1/3 full. I think I saw a couple proclaiming nationhood. Most definately time to clean out the fridge.

Since the old fridge is still in the kitchen, the living room is full of the stuff that was on the table and the shelf I had to take down. The table is also in the living room. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow night we can move the old fridge out onto the porch and then off to the dump this weekend if we can get a hold of a truck again.

Watched the NASCAR race yesterday. We were rooting against Tony Stewart, but since he ran a clean race and worked to win (so many transmission problems with some of the cars, it must have been really frustrating for the drivers and teams), we decided he should get the win.

Nicky was funny. The table is right in front of the entertainment unit and he hopped up during the race and started batting at the cars and looking around the side of the TV to see where they went. And wouldn't you know it, the minute I finally find the camera, he gets bored and walks away :P

Been raining most of the morning, good thing, I didn't water my garden last night. I did get it on Saturday night and a few weeds pulled. I really need to get the spinach cut back, it is really trying to bolt.
