
Circle on Saturday was very nice. The weather had cleared up and it was gorgeous down by the pond. I wasn't sure for a while if I was going to be able to participate as I was extremely jittery and having a heck of a time getting my heart rate under control, but the beta-blocker finally kicked in. I did have to have D come down with his pickup after circle to give me a lift back up. There was no way I was going to be able to climb that hill.

Had a heck of a time getting to sleep that night. Hubby and I finally got up at 4am and watched a couple hours of TV and went back to bed. 500 channels and there isn't a whole heck of a lot to watch at 4am.

Sunday was a nice day. Managed to get some cleaning done. Had the front door open most of the day. Nicky's brother Tuffy wandered in for a minute. Eventually he and Angel will figure out we won't bite and they are quite welcome to come in.

For dinner I went out and harvested some of the lettuce blend and some spinach to make a salad. It was very yummy. Here is a pic of the first harvest:

My snap peas are blooming, so in a week or so I should have peas to add to the salad and with luck, for stir fry.

The lentil-mushroom salad I made on Saturday turned out well, it got compliments from several people. So here is the recipe:

2 cups lentils
1 package dried wild mushrooms
white basalmic vinegar
1 1/2 tsp roasted sesame oil
1/4 tsp salt

Rinse dried mushrooms in lukewarm water and then soak in hot water until reconsituted. Drain and set aside liquid and place mushroms in fridge until needed. Sort lentils to remove any stones and other non-lentil bits. Put in pot and cover with water, up to an inch above the lentils. Bring to boil and then add the liquid that the mushrooms soaked in. Turn heat down to simmer and cover and cook lentils until tender. Lentils should soak up al the liquid. Turn lentils into bowl and sprinkle with white basalmic vinegar and stir to blend in the vinegar. Cover bowl and put in fridge to chill. When chilled, mix mushrooms with lentils. Add salt and roasted sesame oil and mix thoroughly. Serve cold.

This is a rough recipe since I didn't actually measure anything while I was cooking, the measurements should be close to what I used. It was all more to taste. The white basalmic vinegar I got at Trader Joe's, so I'm not sure if you can find it at your local mega-mart, but a plain white wine vinegar may make a good substitute. The dried mushrooms may have also come from TJ's, my aunt sent them as a gift and she shops there. I've seen packages of dried 'shrooms at the regular grocery store, tho not sure if they were the wild variety or not. I think any mushroom would work and a variety of fresh 'shrooms should work just as well.

Tomorrow is the endo appointment, so tonight I have to get ready for it. The paperwork I got from them wanted me to put together a list of all the meds and pills I take and then bring them in the original bottles. I also have a couple other forms to fill out, the medical history type. Hubby is givign them a call today to double check what time the appointment is. I hope in the afternoon so I don't have to get up in the wee hours of the morning.

Weather is nice today, supposed to get warm. Hubby isn't happy about tomorrow, supposed to hit 90F in Spokane and that's where we are going. Thank goodness for air conditioning in the car.
