Almost my weekend

Thank the Goddess, I don't think I can handle another day of work. The slightest movement is setting off tremors and if it weren't for the betablockers I'd be dealing with some serious tachycardia. This is not at all fun. I was talking with hubby this morning trying to figure out which was worse, having Graves and not knowing about it and not knowing what was going to happen, or knowing about it and knowing what will be happening and not being able to do much about it. He said the not knowing. I'm seriously thinking the knowing and not being able to do anything about it right away is the worse.


So it is my Friday and I am seriously hoping I can get some stuff done this weekend. I've been hitting the couch as soon as I get home and about all I manage to do is get some dinner going. What I hope to get done:

Mow the lawn

Get the dishes caught up

weed and water my garden

clean out the cars

tend to my compost bins and pile

I have 3 days to do this, fingers crossed I can manage some of it.

Stupid criminal story of the week. Seems a gentleman was breaking into cars up in Colfax WA yesterday and then made his way to Moscow. Stopping off at WalMart he proceeded to ask for some ammunition. When asked what caliber and kind, he didn't know so he proceeded to pull the guns he'd stolen from his bag. At which point the clerk pushed the panic button and the police were summoned and the man held for questioning. Police run his name and lo and behold, the guy is a felon. A felon in possesion of stolen firearms. He's now a resident of our local jail.

Dumb duh dumb dum!
