My front flower bed hasn't bloomed, except for the tulips and they bloomed and went a couple weeks ago. My veggie garden isn't as bad as I thought it would be weed-wise. I managed to get out today and do a little weeding and clipping the grass around the edge of most of the big garden.
Went to the doc again yesterday, scheduled appointment to get my thyroid levels checked. Wednesday night I spiked a temp of 103F. Took 2 aspirin and that brought it down some. My doc is still mystified and wants me to see an endo, thinking maybe it is the Graves refusing to behave itself even tho I've been taking my meds. She did order extra blood draws for some other tests and shipped me across the street to the hospital for a couple chest xrays, tho my lungs still sound clear, but the coughing is getting very annoying and my ribs are starting to hurt. The good news is my temp has been back to normal all day today, tho my energy levels keep tanking about every half hour or so. I ended up staying home yesterday and slept most of it once we got back from the doc & hospital.
We did do some shopping today, finally picked up a spading fork, it will make working my compost pile so much easier and also loosening the soil along the back fence where I want to plant wild flowers. Picked up some foaming yellow jacket spray, I found 15 nests on the porch and 2 on the back of the shed. Since I don't have a current epi-pen, so those suckers are going to die.
Hubby is currently making me a gardening bench out of PVR pipe so I can sit and work in the garden without having to keep getting up and down and tiring myself out while I recoup. It will be nice to have. I love my hubby.