I'd called on Monday to see if they had some results back and they said not yet and the doc would call when they were in. Had a co-worker track me down in the break room yesterday afternoon with a message my doc wanted me to call and had left a number.Said number got me a "number not in service or disconnected" message. SIGH! Checked my cell to see if she'd called that. Nope. Called the office and they said she probably reversed a couple numbers. They said they'd give her the message I'd called.
She finally called YAY!!!!!
I had seen the other doc in the office (hubby's doc) and she'd passed everything to my doc. Blood results, nothing growing in the cultures, white blood count down, platlet count down. Hubby's doc freaked, my doc isn't worried. PTU (the anti-thyroid med propilthiourecil, say that 3 times fast :D ) affects ones liver and drops the WBC down. My doc and I am not worried. If it drops to nil, then we worry, but it usually doesn't drop that far on me. I'll start taking milk thistle caps tonight, it cleanses the liver and helps keep it healthy.
So, bottom line on why I got sick is either the flu, thyrotoxicosis, maybe a touch of both. The thyrotoxicosis has the same symptoms as the flu and I was extremely hyper and the thyroid was dumping major amounts of hormone into my system and doing its darndest to kill me :P So I go back in 6 weeks and get my levels checked again and see how things are going. I'm feeling even better today. Now all I have to deal with is hot flashes LOL
Yesterday we took hubby to the dentist to finally get his infected tooth pulled. He thought the appointment was today and when he called to confirm yesterday, they said it had been on Tuesday and they had the wrong phone number for him. So they squeezed him in and he is feeling so much better today. I'm glad he finally got it yanked, poor hubby has been in such misery becasue of it.
She finally called YAY!!!!!
I had seen the other doc in the office (hubby's doc) and she'd passed everything to my doc. Blood results, nothing growing in the cultures, white blood count down, platlet count down. Hubby's doc freaked, my doc isn't worried. PTU (the anti-thyroid med propilthiourecil, say that 3 times fast :D ) affects ones liver and drops the WBC down. My doc and I am not worried. If it drops to nil, then we worry, but it usually doesn't drop that far on me. I'll start taking milk thistle caps tonight, it cleanses the liver and helps keep it healthy.
So, bottom line on why I got sick is either the flu, thyrotoxicosis, maybe a touch of both. The thyrotoxicosis has the same symptoms as the flu and I was extremely hyper and the thyroid was dumping major amounts of hormone into my system and doing its darndest to kill me :P So I go back in 6 weeks and get my levels checked again and see how things are going. I'm feeling even better today. Now all I have to deal with is hot flashes LOL
Yesterday we took hubby to the dentist to finally get his infected tooth pulled. He thought the appointment was today and when he called to confirm yesterday, they said it had been on Tuesday and they had the wrong phone number for him. So they squeezed him in and he is feeling so much better today. I'm glad he finally got it yanked, poor hubby has been in such misery becasue of it.