Got to work and realized I didn't take my morning meds and then realized I didnt' brush my teeth. Luckily I have extras of my ATDs and my antihistimines in my purse, but I'm going to be going without my beta-blocker today. My supervisor had some of those Oral-B Brush ups in her purse, so I got try one out. I'll have to invest in some for my purse.
Slept well last night, except when I was waking up to throw the covers off becasue of hot flashes and then pulling them back on a few minutes later because I was freezing to death. This is getting old. I'll start the eveing primrose oil tonight to see if that helps. I won't take the black cohosh as I think it and the Graves aren't going to get along.
The storm that was heading in late afternoon yesterday went around us, again. I want my thunderstorm darn it!!!!! It did finally start raining last night, so my garden got watered.
Got the kitchen in shape. Didn't get the chicken and burger processed, I'll have to do that tonight. I just ran out of energy yesterday.
Slept well last night, except when I was waking up to throw the covers off becasue of hot flashes and then pulling them back on a few minutes later because I was freezing to death. This is getting old. I'll start the eveing primrose oil tonight to see if that helps. I won't take the black cohosh as I think it and the Graves aren't going to get along.
The storm that was heading in late afternoon yesterday went around us, again. I want my thunderstorm darn it!!!!! It did finally start raining last night, so my garden got watered.
Got the kitchen in shape. Didn't get the chicken and burger processed, I'll have to do that tonight. I just ran out of energy yesterday.