Sailing down that river in Egypt

I hate going to the doctors, they insist on sticking you with needles and poking you in places you like to keep unpoked (at least in those situations :D), but I gotta see about going in to get my thyroid levels checked. I'm still feeling ick and things are going down hill rapidly.

Heart rate doesn't want to settle down, muscle weakness is getting worse, can't sleep thru the night (and it isn't just the peri-menopause) and the sudden tachicardia is definately telling me something. That and my emotions are coming unglued again, tho I am reasonably successful at not blowing up at someone. The one thing I hate is being starving all the time and then not being able to eat anything when I get meals ready. Also the brain derailments are getting bad.

On the positive side, the roasting pan and rack we got from Safeway for buying all that Rancher's Reserve meats arrived on Monday and I used it last night to cook the roast (5lb) we bought this weekend. I was going to cut it up and freeze it, then decided we hadn't had a good big roast in a long time and decided to baptise the pan with it. Turned out wonderful and just the right degree of rareness. I can get a couple more days of meals out if it.
