I've been getting a lot of comment spam and it is getting annoying. All I can do is delete when it comes in and that takes time. The slime who is spamming me is posting it in my older posts and unfortunately the setting for approving comments won't work on posts already made :(

In other news, it's official, I'm hyper. So I get to go back on my meds and get my levels checked again in 6 weeks. I'll stay on the beta blockers until we get my thyroid under control again and then I can stop them. I've started to cut the pills in half and take 1/2 every 4 hours to spread the dosages out more evenly. I think this will help with making me feel less crappy after taking a whole one. Seems to be working.

Did spaghetti for my dinner last night, I have leftover sauce and some assagio bread for lunch. Hubby had burgers and fries for dinner. We'd picked up some burger this weekend and I made patties to stash in the freezer so it worked out well.

The school bond levy failed :( The most vocal opponents are strutting and crowing like the sore winners they are.
