I'm getting too old for adventures!

Finally made it home last night. Had to take an extra day thanks to car problems (OUCH! There went ALL the profit we made on the trip working on L's computer). I must say, if one is going to have car problems, Eugene is a good place to have them, it is a very nice city. If we HAD to move elsewhere, Eugene would be it. The downtown is a wonderful place, pieces of art on corners, lots of neat little shops. The transite system seems to be quite good and the whole city is fairly flat and seems to be great for bikes. I will say however I didn't care for the fact you have a difficult time getting anywhere by car, all the streets seem to be one way and I guess it must be Oregon law that street signs have to be obscured and unlit. We managed to get lost when we got there and we had the GPS!

All in all, tho we had a good time. I am glad to be home in my own bed, tho L almost lost her feather bed. It was so darned comfortable, I didn't wake up with sore hips or knees the entire time. We are giving serious consideration on saving up and buying one to go on our bed. Would be a lot more comfortable then the egg shells pads we have on it now.

Kitties were glad to see us, Nicky wasn't as upset as the last time. Then again, he spent a lot of time next door with his brothers.
