Not so wet today

The steady rain we had this weekend has let up some, in fact the sun is out a bit. Quite breezy today and more rain expected. We have to get someone over to figure out why our front door is leaking. It leaks between the door and the screen door and the water is leaking into the house. This time it didn't run into the kitchen and flood in front of the fridge, it went the other way and soaked the carpet in the living room under the bookcase :(

The fun and joy of home ownership:D

Oh well.

The rest of the weekend was pretty lazy. With all the rain I definately could not work outside, so just puttered a little bit, mostly did nothing. We did go out to TriState yesterday and wandered around checking gardening, hardware and household stuff. Looks like they now have something that we could use as a martini pitcher in their glassware/bar section. Looked at french press coffee makers and a larger Melita drip cone. Also found they sell blinds that look like bamboo, but are made of vinyl. We want to put those up around the porch to help shade it this summer, also add a bit of privacy. I do want to see about screening in the whole porch this year and maybe see about building anew set of steps, tho the fix we did on them last year seems to be holding up pretty well.

Winco on Saturday was completely insane, by the time we got home I was ready for serious margaritas and chocolate covered gummi bears :D Nothing like tequila and chocolate to settle ones nerves hehehehehehehe

The ham came out perfectly, juicy and tasty. We'd picked up some sandwich rolls and made ham and cheese sandwiches with those. Breakfast on Sunday morning was ham and cheese messy omlets. I chopped the ham into small pieces and then fried those in the pan before adding the scrambled eggs. Added a nicer flavor that way. I use it to make scalloped potatos with ham tomorrow night. Tonight I'll cut up a chicken and bake that. Not sure yet what the sides will be.

Tossed a load of laundry in this morning. I really do need to get back onto my evening routine. Trying to sort dirty laundry in the dark first thing in the morning when one hasn't had one's coffee is not fun :P Esp when it is all of hubbys darks.
