Not a great way to start the weekend

Woke up this morning about 6:30 with a pain in my back so bad I wanted to scream every time I moved. No matter what I did, I could not find a position that made the pain go away. I finally worked my way out of bed and crawled to the bathroom and popped a couple AC&Cs (acetominiphen, caffeine and codine, over the counter from Canada. We usually stock up when we go north of the border) and went back to bed. I was finally able to get back to sleep, but I am now curled up on the couch with the heating pad. The last of the pain is finally going away. I told my hubby I don't know how he can deal with this pain, he says he's had to for half his life and is used to it. Poor hubby. I'm finding having this pain every once in a while to not be good, I don't think I could deal with it 24/7.

The worst of the pain is right around where I have the scholiosis in my upper back, but the real disconcerting part was feeling it move down to my lower back and then back up again. OWWWWW!!! doesn't even begin to express how it felt. It definately looks like I have a chiropractic appointment in my future.

Speaking of appointments, I will be going to the opthamologist on Monday morning. Haven't been in about 3-4 years and I am way over due. Hubby has one that morning also. We have crap for vision care, but we have a loophole in the insurance that lets our medical insurance cover the visits. Since I have Graves and hubby is diabetic, eye problems fall under medical, so it is covered as a specialist visit. Vision care only allows 1 visit a year for a routine exam, but medical is as many as possible with a $15 deductable each visit hehehehehe. I do need a change in my glasses and I am hoping to get a prescription for reading glasses. I have to take my glasses off to read now, since we set up my regular glasses for working on the computer and seeing the sights on my pistols and rifles. I don't want bifocals as I've had them before and I have problems with them (esp if I am lying on the bed or couch and trying to watch TV, I end up looking thru the close-up part of the glasses, doesn't work).

Weather is supposed to be cooler today, tho our thermometer here is already reading 53F. The clouds are rolling in and I noticed the wind had picked up when I let the kitties out. We still plan on going some geocaching today, hubby is updating the software right now.

Speaking of kitties. We picked up some senior kitty formula canned food. He is tucking right into it, unlike the regular stuff. He is an elder kitty, so needs all the extra nourishment he can get. We'll stock up on all the Sr formula we can find. Safeway only carries 2 flavors in their brand, so will find out what other brands have.
