Went outside yesterday with the intent of cleaning up the front flower garden and first went around back to look at the back garden area. Decided to do a little weeding out there first and then thought that I'd just quickly straighten out the one edge of the garden. So I go the folding shovel with the pick and went at it.
Never jump into that kind of physical activity when you haven't worked up to it LOL I am in serious pain this morning from the bending over and digging. Never did get the weeding in either garden done LOL Will go out and do a bit of that today.
Did the lamb with taziki sauce last night. Picked up a container of Brown Cow plain yougurt. If you haven't tried it I really, really recommend it. It is more expensive then the regular yogurts, but it is made from organic whole milk and is totally delish. I will never use the low-fat stuff ever again for recipes like this. Luckily the stores do carry another whole milk yogurt in larger containers so I can use it for frozen yogurts and other recipes. I would much rather pay the few extra pennies for quality ingredients.
I sliced the lamb in thin slices and then cut those into smaller pieces. I marinated them in olive oil, lemon juice, kosher salt, pepper and dill. The taziki I made from the yogurt, half a cucumber, 2 cloves of garlic. I ran the garlic and cucumber thru my mini food processor and then added the 8 oz container of yogurt and blended them all together. I made some rice and then stirfired the lamb, leaving a little pink in the middle. I served it up on top of the rice with the taziki on top of it all.
Today we are going to pop up to Moscow Building supply to pick up a quart of paint (most likely white or off white) and paint the cabinet over the bar. I want to get in and paint over the wallpaper that now shows since we took down the cabinet doors. I figure we'll be doing the kitchen in stages. I just have to figure out a color scheme. I'm going for a 50s look, so it will take some planning to bring it all together as I don't want to re-create a 1950s kitchen, but I want it to be more a 50's insired look.
MMMMMMMMMM, almost time to open up the windows to let some fresh air in.
Never jump into that kind of physical activity when you haven't worked up to it LOL I am in serious pain this morning from the bending over and digging. Never did get the weeding in either garden done LOL Will go out and do a bit of that today.
Did the lamb with taziki sauce last night. Picked up a container of Brown Cow plain yougurt. If you haven't tried it I really, really recommend it. It is more expensive then the regular yogurts, but it is made from organic whole milk and is totally delish. I will never use the low-fat stuff ever again for recipes like this. Luckily the stores do carry another whole milk yogurt in larger containers so I can use it for frozen yogurts and other recipes. I would much rather pay the few extra pennies for quality ingredients.
I sliced the lamb in thin slices and then cut those into smaller pieces. I marinated them in olive oil, lemon juice, kosher salt, pepper and dill. The taziki I made from the yogurt, half a cucumber, 2 cloves of garlic. I ran the garlic and cucumber thru my mini food processor and then added the 8 oz container of yogurt and blended them all together. I made some rice and then stirfired the lamb, leaving a little pink in the middle. I served it up on top of the rice with the taziki on top of it all.
Today we are going to pop up to Moscow Building supply to pick up a quart of paint (most likely white or off white) and paint the cabinet over the bar. I want to get in and paint over the wallpaper that now shows since we took down the cabinet doors. I figure we'll be doing the kitchen in stages. I just have to figure out a color scheme. I'm going for a 50s look, so it will take some planning to bring it all together as I don't want to re-create a 1950s kitchen, but I want it to be more a 50's insired look.
MMMMMMMMMM, almost time to open up the windows to let some fresh air in.