National Wear Red Day for Women

Will you be wearing red on February 4th, National Wear Red Day for

Join women nationwide in wearing red this February 4th to show our
empowerment to improve our heart health and to help raise awareness of women's
No. 1 killer - heart disease. Send this to all your friends and ask them to wear
red and join the movement to help women live longer, stronger lives!

"I think those of us who are busy mothers, wives and career girls
have the tendency to put ourselves last in the health equation - and this has
got to change." Toni Braxton, National Go Red For Women spokesperson

Toni's right - women often forget to take care of themselves. It's
got to change and we can make a start on National Wear Red Day for Women. Is your
heart in the right place?

Start looking in your closet for your favorite red clothes. February
4th is National Wear Red Day for Women, and every woman in America should
join the movement. Did you know that heart disease is the No. 1 killer of
women in America? Did you know that it's largely preventable? When we all Wear
Red on February 4th, we'll be letting the world know that we're aware of our
risk of heart disease and we're going to do something about it.

Send this email to all of your women friends, family and coworkers.
Let's make it known all over America that we're not going to let heart disease
take our futures away. Think of your mother, your daughter, your best friend.
Wear red to make them aware that they've got to live a heart healthy lifestyle.
We've got things to do and we need healthy hearts to live long and strong
lives. We can do it with the power of Go Red For Women.

Learn more about National Wear Red Day for Women.

Learn which monuments in your area will Go Red For Women.

Join Go Red and get your free Red Dress Pin.

Macy's and Pfizer are proud national sponsors of the American Heart
Association's Go Red For Women campaign. Additional support is
provided by PacifiCare Foundation and Bayer Aspirin.
