Is it Friday yet??????

I am totally wiped today, not sure why. Woke up with a very sore right wrist, I think I did something to it in the wee hours of the morning. I should have dug out my wrist brace this morning, didn't think about it figuring I would take it easy with it durning the day. Keep forgetting I do most of everything with my right hand. So I now have a brace around it to keep myself from bending it and I slathered it with Tiger Balm.

Freecycled the queen mattress we'd been using. The gal will pick it up on Sat, good thing, it is taking up a lot of space in the bedroom since we pulled it off the bed. Nicky will be upset tho, he's been climbing up to sit on top of it, lord of all he surveys LOL.

Picked up some cheesecake at Safeway on the way home, our friend and neighbor who does our taxes is her normal brilliant self and we'll be getting pretty much all of what the gov't took out back. So once we get that, new windshield for the subaru, a few bills paid off, maybe a new motherboard for hubby and (fingers crossed) a kitchenaid stand mixer for me. I would like to buy locally, but I can get a factory refurbed one for a REALLY good price directly from Kitchenaid.

Since I'm feeling so blech, dinner tonight is burgers and fries from the freezer
