New week

Spent yesterday pretty much around the house. Hubby spent most of the day attempting to get that laptop we'd picked up from a friend a while back up and running. We'd hoped to either load my Accuchef program onto it or at least set it up as a terminal connected to my 'puter, but the darned thing is just too old for either (unless hubby can work a miracle). Hubby is thinking maybe turning my recipes into text files and loading it on, I think that is going to work very well as there are literally thousands of recipes and coming up with a means to search is going to be as cludgy and frustrating as all get out. I think looking for a newer laptop thru one of the surplus sales thru both universities may be a better idea, something that can run at least Win95, which is the minimum I need for AccuChef.

Did a few dishes, swiped the kitchen floor with the chlorox wet mop, vacuumed the living room and pretty much had no other house work to do

So yesterday we FINALLY sat down to watch Farscape: : The Peacekeeper Wars" I am soooo glad they tied up a lot of loose threads, but I am still going to curse the suits at SciFi for canceling the show. This is one series I will be getting on DVD, along with Babylon 5, Red Dwarf and FireFly, amongst many more.
