
A few more hours and I get to have a week off!!!!!!! It's now looking like we'll have some white for Christmas it snowed a bit this morning, a fine dusting, but it is going to stay below freezing so it should stick around. They are predicting some more late Saturday. So fingers crossed that we'll get lots more.

On the tree front, it is coming along. We are going to hit Wally World tonight to pick up some garland. Hubby doesn't think we have enough sparkly decorations (him Grinch LOL. He's the one who says the Grinch and Scrooge wimp out every year) so we need to get more. I put another string of lights on the tree last night, colored ones. I'm thinking maybe another tonight, I've got plenty :D Nicky is being a very good kitty, he really hasn't been bothering the tree much. Still going to leave the tinsil off this year, just in case it is too much of a temptation for him. I have some pics of the tree, but photoshop is being cranky at the moment, so have to have hubby look at it so I can post them.

My package to my mom arrived there yesterday, so that worry is done with.

Sleep clinic called this morning. They can get me and hubby in on the 28th. One of us will get wired up at 7pm and the other at 9pm. They thought it was so cute we wanted to get in together. I will sleep better knowing he's just a room away, instead of the other side of town. Now if they could just arrainge to get us in the same room and bed, I could really sleep better. But they only have singles :(

Going to pick up blueberrys and bacon. Christmas morning tradtion growing up was blueberrry muffins, bacon and eggs for breakfast. Hubby is a total blueberry hound, so I'm going to do homemade. Need to see about getting a jumbo muffin tin so we can have big muffins.

BTW, found this site on another site I hang out on. The original post is for Butter Beer, for those who are familier with the Harry Potter books. Someone on the Good Eats board suggested butterscotch schnapps instead of syrup, so this is the recipe I came up with:

1/2 tbs butter
1 nippy bottle butterscotch schnapps
1 can diet cream soda (Shasta with Splenda)

melt butter in cup in microwave, add schnapps, stir and then add cream soda.

I let hubby have a sip, and after his initial reaction of surprise, found he liked it. We need to stop and get a bigger bottle of butterscotch schnapps. The little nippy bottles are too small (they are the miniatures).
