Monday again

Well, survived the sleep clinic. If they got enough results I will be
surprised, I don't think I got that much sleep. More about that in a little bit.

The formal dinner went well, we even got it going 1/2 early, which worked out very well for me as we were done by a little after 8. We started off with stuffed mushrooms, hazelnut stuffed ones for those of us who have seafood allergies. Then we had Orange you glad it's Thanksgiving soup (a Rachel Ray recipe) that was kicked up a notch with ginger. Followed by Stuffed Puff Pastry with either Salmon Avocado or Chicken Avocado, then a sorbet of mixed berrys picked this summer. Main course was Duck or Salmon, with stirfried snow peas and onions with my aforementioned (see previos posts) polenta and gogonzola cheese. That was followed by a salad and then dessert, fruit, nuts, cheeses and Nanaimo bars. All and all YUMMY!

So then it was off to the hospital and the sleep clinic. Got settled in and watched some videos they show while the tech finished getting the other patient tucked in.

Got wired up (as hubby says, now I know how the monkey felt) and
tucked in. Had a hell of a time getting to sleep. All the noises in
the room were wrong and every time I kept bringing my left hand up to
my face, the red light in the oxygen sensor thingy on my finger kept
disturbing me (I could see the light thru my eyelids). My heart
started pounding and that was a distraction. As soon as I'd start to
drift off, I would wake up.

I finally managed to get some sleep, then had to wake up to go to the
bathroom. I spent a number of minutes trying to convince myself I
could go back to sleep and not bother the tech to come and unhook me,
but my bladder insisted otherwise. I finally got to see a clock, it
was 3:30 am (I went to bed abot 20 after 11).

Again, took forever to get back to sleep, waking up as my hubby and
the tech came thru the door a little after 6am. The tech brought me a
mug of coffee, I got to keep the mug :)

She of course couldn't tell me anything, hubby said it was a good sign
they didn't slap a CPAP on me, but got the wires off me. I dressed and
we wnet home where I thru myself in the shower, finished getting the
gunk out of my hair and crawled back into bed where I stayed until 11:30.

If I have to go thru that again I am going to wear a thinner tanktop
(I darn near roasted, thru all but the sheet off at one point and the
tech had turned the heat in the room way down) and take my clock
radio. Not knowing what time it was was when i was waking up was
driving me crazy.

Hubby called for me to make my followup appointment, earliest I can see my doc is 12/21 :( Tho I am hoping they get my results and call and get me in sooner.
