
Christmas is happening this year!

Hubby talked with the loan officer at the credit union and she's going to refinance our loans, so we can pay a few things off. This means I will have some funds to get prezzies for my aunt, mom, brother and his wife. The problem with being a member of the working poor and having ALL the bills and taxes come due in Dec, things get really, really, really tight. Last year I didn't get anyting for anyone and I was depressed, esp since my mom and aunt sent us stuff.

So not only can I do prezzies for them, we can get Nicky edited, the pistols out of hock, do a BIG grocery shop at Costco AND pay the damned property taxes and garbage bill (we could be paynng that monthly, but hubby has a feud going with the sanitation dept and resfuses to pay up until we absolutely have to, as in it gets attached to our property tax bill) and then have enough left over to pay off a few other things. Looks like this years christmas isn't going to be so blue YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I can fill up the freezer and pantry AND get a new tree stand for the Yule tree.

Tomorrow is our annual "thank you student workers" party, so tonight I am going to whip up a batch of snickerdoodles to take. Well, off to start dinner and get a few things done before I start baking.
